Learning through quizzes in Grade 3 and 4

 Interesting Quizzes for Grade 3, 4 students based on Logical Reasoning, Math, English, Thinking skills, Pattern, General Knowledge etc 

Playing Quizzes are very important for young kids because of multiple reasons like they make kids smart, help them understand concepts better, make their brain to be super active, make them problem solvers and boosts their confidence. Quizzes help in developing critical thinking skills of these kids which is very much required today.

This quiz blog is unique in itself making these curious minds sharp and intellectual. It helps parents to identify their kids development areas by solving these quizzes together with them and work towards their improvement. The best way is to spend 15 minutes daily with your kids and pick quiz of your choice and do it together in beginning and over time, you would get to know the areas where your kids are lacking behind and you can help them improve in those development areas. I have been doing it with my child and i can tell you from my experience that my child has improved a lot through these quizzes. 

Do comment, share with your friends or relatives if you like this blog. Learning should come easy and free of cost.

Challenge # 112- Reading Comprehension - Understanding Characters. Read the passage, analyze the characters and answer the questions.

Challenge # 111- Sentence formation quiz. Just try this out.

Challenge # 110 Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence. They can indicate various relationships such as location, time, direction, cause, manner, and possession. Let’s learn about them through this fill in the blanks quiz. Happy Learning!

Challenge # 109 Hey little champs. Let's test your pronouns, verbs and preposition knowledge today through this fun and easy quiz. Happy Learning! #Learningisfun #Summerholidayshomework #holidayfun #Grade4quiz #schoolquiz

Challenge # 108 Here you go little champs. Some of you might be enrolling for swim classes during your summer holidays so it's good to have basic vocabulary knowledge about swimming. Test it through this fun and easy quiz. Happy Learning! #Learningisfun #Summerholidayshomework #holidayfun #Grade4quiz #schoolquiz
Challenge # 107 Summer Vacations are going to start or have already started in some schools but learning must continue for these young minds. Through this paragraph writing quiz, kids will develop their writing and creative skills. Keeping this in mind, quiz has been designed in such a way that children can make short and easy sentences easily by looking at the hints given in the picture. #CreativeWritingFun #YoungWriters #ParagraphWriting #YoungAuthors #KidsWrite #Grade4 #Grade3 #Summerholidayhomework #SummerVacations #Learningisfun
Challenge # 106 Creative writing is an art of expressing thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a unique and imaginative way. Let's turn your imagination into words. Look at the below picture and write few lines using the hints given in the picture.#CreativeWritingFun #YoungWriters #StoryCrafting #YoungAuthors #StorytellingAdventures #KidsWrite

Challenge # 105 The challenge is to solve this entire quiz in less than 5 mins. Sometimes, in the pressure situation, the easiest things can also get difficult. Practice these kind of time bound quizzes help you better prepared to deal with such pressure situations in life. 
#MathQuiz #Grade3Math #Grade4Math #QuickMath #MathChallenge #MathFun #Mathematics #LearningIsFun #MathSkills #QuizTime #STEMEducation #CriticalThinking #LogicalReasoning #Education #TeacherResources #KidsLearning #MathematicsForKids #ProblemSolving #MathIsCool #EducationalGames #BrainTeasers #InteractiveLearning

Challenge # 104 Each row has unique pattern. You have to replace the Question "?" symbol with the right pattern. The option are given in the right hand side column.

Challenge # 103. The challenge is to solve this entire quiz in less than 5 mins. Sometimes, in the pressure situation, the easiest things can also get difficult. Practice these kind of quizzes help you better prepared to deal with such situations in life. 
#MathQuiz #Grade3Math #Grade4Math #QuickMath #MathChallenge #MathFun #Mathematics #LearningIsFun #MathSkills #QuizTime #STEMEducation #CriticalThinking #LogicalReasoning #Education #TeacherResources #KidsLearning #MathematicsForKids #ProblemSolving #MathIsCool #EducationalGames #BrainTeasers #InteractiveLearning

Challenge # 102. Let's teach our kids about some common food items which are consumed almost daily in our lives today. This quiz would help them understanding about key ingredients used in the dish preparation and would enhance their food knowledge to communicate better with their peers. #FoodQuiz #IngredientsKnowledge #Grade4 #FoodFacts #FoodEducation #FunLearning #QuizTime #CriticalThinking #LogicSkills #Grade4Quiz #FoodieKids #IngredientChallenge #FoodDiscovery #EdibleEducation #QuizBlog #FoodTrivia #HealthyEating #NutritionQuiz #Grade4Learning #IngredientMastery #FoodieQuiz

Challenge # 101. Spelling shapes the foundation of language. Mastering spelling unlocks a world of expression, ensuring words reflect thoughts with precision. Let's see how you fare in this vocabulary quiz. They are easy so try scoring full marks.
#SpellingQuiz #WordWizard #SpellCheck #LanguageLearning #GrammarGames #VocabularyVoyage #SpellboundSkills #LanguageLearners #WordWhiz #SpellingBee #WordChallenge #GrammarGurus #SpellMaster #LexiconLearners #WordGame #SpellingSkills #LanguageLovers #VocabChallenge #GrammarGeeks #WordSmiths

Challenge # 100. Can you find and match the below sentences with its correct type? Below are some of the sentences mentioned in the picture. Please match according to its type. Improve upon your grammar knowledge with this wonderful quiz.
#LanguageLearning #GrammarQuiz #KidsEducation #InteractiveLearning #QuestioningSkills #Curiosity #SentenceStructure #ElementaryGrammar #LearningIsFun #EducationalGames

Challenge # 99. Expand your vocabulary with this wonderful quiz and boost your word power.
#VocabularyQuiz #Grade4 #WordPower #CriticalThinking #EducationForall

Challenge # 98. Let's learn something about Roman Numerals today. 
Roman numerals originated in ancient Rome and were the primary numerical system used throughout the Roman Empire. The system is based on a combination of letters from the Latin alphabet, with each letter representing a specific value. Roman numerals were widely used in everyday life in ancient Rome, appearing on monuments, coins, and official documents. They remained the dominant numeral system in Europe for centuries. Interactive activities, games, and puzzles involving Roman numerals can make learning more engaging and memorable for students. These activities may include matching games, crossword puzzles.We often see them getting used in clocks, watches, building inscriptions, movie credits. Here is your chance to learn them through this fun matching quiz.

Challenge # 97 - We all know how much school fees is getting increased day by day and it is one of the biggest expense parents do on their children. Keeping this topic in mind, following quiz has been prepared using some dummy data of four students from Class Nur to V. Please answer below questions looking at this bar graph.
Q1. Who among out of four students is reading in the most expensive school?
Q2. Between Peter and Sam , who has spent more in his schooling?
Q3. Among Peter, Sam and Reah, who has spent less in their schooling fees?
Q4. If we add KG fees of Reah and Peter, will that be more from Julie's fees of I class?
Q5. True or False; Julie's total fees is lower than combined fees of Sam and Reah.

You can take help from your parents to check if your answer is correct or not as the answers are not mentioned here deliberately.
  1. #EducationalQuiz #Grade4Quiz #KidsLearning #FutureGeneration

Challenge # 96 - Hello Friends, My name is Nandu and I need some help from you. My school teacher has asked me to write few sentences about my interest areas and I am very poor in making sentences. Therefore, I request you to help me make 20 sentences. I have mentioned my top five interest areas where I spend most of my free time. Now comes the challenging part and  the challenge is to make only those sentences that help me look good in studies. Think about it and I am sure that you can write it. Discuss it with your friends or parents if you need any advice or help.
I will get extra marks if you are able to find some nouns, verbs, adjective, pronouns given in the six sentences mentioned in the picture. All the Best.

Challenge # 95 - Climate change today is one of the main global problems about which leaders are talking today so we must educate our children about the Renewable Sources of energy and its importance. We get this energy from things like sun, wind and water. It helps our planet stay cool and clean. By using this energy, we don't have to be dependent on coal or oil which are getting finished day by day. When we use Renewable energy, we create new jobs and opportunities for the people to make things better. It's like planting seeds for sustainable living and healthier earth without hurting the planet. 
  1. #RenewableEnergy #GreenEnergy #CleanEnergy #Sustainability #SaveThePlanet #GoGreen
  2. #EducationalQuiz #Grade4Quiz #EnvironmentalEducation #KidsLearning #FutureGeneration
  3. #EnergyAwareness

Challenge # 94- Pick the odd one out. Let's test your analytical skills through this simple quiz. 

Challenge # 93- Children love ice creams but having them regular in your dessert comes at the cost of our health. Below quiz has been crafted for young minds to make this fact understand at an early age. Some hypothetical data of ice cream, flavors, brand has been put in the form of bar charts with some questions to answer. Hope the children would find this quiz useful and interesting.

Challenge # 92 Do you know about the relationship between fruits and Calories? Let's learn few important things about fruits and the calories they have. Our body need calories to convert them into energy to perform various functions in the body and we get these calories from our food. Fruits are also a major part of our food. From this data handling quiz, let's understand this concept.

Challenge # 91 Let's test your square and cube numbers knowledge. In below picture, identify the numbers which are either squares or cubes of any whole number. Guess that number. There are also few circles showing division. Answer them correctly.

Challenge # 90 Data handling is an essential skill that equips Grade 3 children with the tools they need to navigate the data-rich world around them, make informed decisions, and succeed in their academic and personal lives. It lays the foundation for a strong base for future learning in kids. It enhances mathematical and critical handling skills among children.

Challenge # 89 Data handling is an essential skill that equips Grade 3 children with the tools they need to navigate the data-rich world around them, make informed decisions, and succeed in their academic and personal lives. It lays the foundation for a strong base for future learning in kids. It enhances mathematical and critical handling skills among children.

Challenge # 88 "Do you know that coconut water is like a secret weapon against feeling tired? It's a natural pick-me-up that can give us the energy we need to tackle any challenge!". Learn some facts about Coconut water through this illustration and its importance in our daily diet.

Challenge # 87 Bar graphs provide a visual representation of data, making it easier for students to understand and interpret information. It helps in visualization, improving analytical and critical thinking skills in young kids. These skills are crucial in today's data-driven world. Below is a Bar graph showing vehicles data of few cities. See the graph Grade 3 champs and try to answer the below questions by yourselves. 

Q1 How many types of Vehicles are present in the graph? Name them.

Q2 Which city has highest Autorickshaws?

Q3 Which city has got the lowest Bikes?

Q4 Which city has highest Cars?

Q5 How many cars are present in City A and City B ?

Q6 Which two cities have got same no of bikes?

Q7 How many total vehicles are present in City B?

Challenge # 86 Math Vocabulary Quiz. Let's see if you can score perfect 100.

Challenge # 85. How much do you know about the Amazon's Rain forest. Find out from this interesting quiz.

Challenge # 84. Show this illustration to your young kids and find out your child personality type. There are four boys shown in the picture and each boy possess one quality. Once he/she gives you an answer and if that answer doesn't match your expectations then as a loving parent , please have a discussion with them and find out the reason. No option is wrong if you understand their point of opinion but you can recommend them the best of four with reason.

This quiz has been carefully designed for young minds to make them understand about the values of life and about good friends. It's very important that our children choose right company in early years of life.

Challenge # 83. Make your little kids understand the type of professions involved in building up a house. Talk to them regarding each profession listed in the quiz and compare it in real life scenario to make it more interesting and fun. 

Challenge # 82. Match the functions with their correct body parts. Few hints given below.

Challenge # 81. Try and match some interesting facts about the Seven World Continents.

Challenge # 80 - Mental Maths- Calling all young super kids to try this 3 minutes fun quiz? Let's see if you are able to cross all stages. All the best to everyone..Share with your friends who you want to beat in this quiz game. Don't look at answers before you complete all.

Challenge # 79 - Mental Maths- Test your maths and reasoning skills through this interesting quiz. 

Challenge # 78 - Mental Maths- Test your maths and reasoning skills through this interesting quiz

Challenge # 77 - Mental Maths- Test your maths and reasoning skills through this interesting quiz

Challenge # 76 - Interesting facts about Sun. Did you know these?

Challenge # 75 - Interesting facts about Moon. Did you know these?

Challenge # 74- In the below square from 1 to 12, they all are following a pattern except one. Find that.


This quiz has been carefully drafted and designed for parents to help their young kids to know about different types of emotions at an early age. The world is changing rapidly and becoming worse when it comes to humanity. Children get bullied and remain under tremendous peer  pressure to succeed at various stages in life so it becomes all the more important these days that we make them Emotionally Intelligent as well. The purpose of creating this quiz is to request parents to talk and discuss about emotions with their children.

Challenge # 72- GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. Do you remember these events dates of history?

Challenge # 71-Find the word with correct spelling. Each row has only one correct word.

Challenge # 70- There are total of six Indian states or towns shown in below square either horizontally or vertically. Find them.

Challenge # 69- Money plays a critical role in everyone's life. Kids must learn about money concepts in their early years. Below quiz has been designed to make this concept or relationship between Rupees and Paisa easy to understand and remember. Give it a try.

Challenge # 68

India is organizing the G-20 Summit 2023 this time. Let's make our kids aware of few interesting facts about G-20 organization.

These quizzes will help you identify development areas of your kids and work towards them. During one of the conversations with my child recently, I identified this need to create a quiz based on simple past/present verb hence below quiz was created. Do write in comments if you come across any of below quizzes turned out to be helpful for your kids learning.

Challenge # 67

Challenge # 66
Kids love cars these days and they see them everyday so they must know the type of cars running on roads. There are few adjectives mentioned in the rectangles in below picture to describe cars. Using these adjectives you have to answer questions from 1 to 5.

Challenge # 65- Logical reasoning is an important part of kids overall development and learning. keeping this in mind, following quiz has been created. Let's see who can score full marks.

Challenge # 64
Make your child learn these cool adjectives to describe roads and ask them next time when you go on a road trip #Funwithlearning #Makeyourchildsmart #Buildconfidence. Do share your feedback or comments in comments section.

Challenge # 63- Learn about Asian countries and their currencies through this multiple choice quiz. Part- 1

Challenge # 62- Learn about Asian countries and their currencies through this multiple choice quiz. Part- 2

Challenge # 61- Learn about Asian countries and their currencies through this multiple choice quiz. Part- 3

Challenge # 60-Everyone faces fear or anxiety in their childhood days so the kids must know about the different types of fear. Below quiz is based on type of fears- Part 1  

Challenge # 59- Everyone faces fear or anxiety in their childhood days so the kids must know about the different types of fear. Below quiz is based on type of fears- Part 2  

Challenge # 58- Let's learn about some basic parts of one of the most important organ of our body i.e. Eye through this quiz.

Challenge # 57
Challenge # 56

Challenge # 55

Challenge # 54

Challenge # 53

Challenge # 52

Challenge # 51

Challenge # 50

Challenge # 49

Challenge # 48

Challenge # 47

Challenge # 46

Challenge # 45

Challenge # 44

Challenge # 43

Challenge # 42

"Unlock the World of Opposites: Engaging Grade 3 Students with a Fun and Educational Opposite Quiz!". Let's see who can crack 100% score in this.

Challenge # 41

Challenge # 40

Challenge # 39

"Divide and Conquer: Get Ready for Some Math Division Fun!" Are you ready to crack all four rounds? Do mention in the comments if you are able to do it on your own. All the best Champs!

Challenge # 38

Challenge # 37

Challenge # 36

Challenge # 35

Try answer these six easy questions and if you stuck in between, do check out the below mentioned Fruit facts to increase your general knowledge.

1. Which country is the largest producer of Mango in the world?
2. Which fruit is easy to grow and requires little maintenance and can be grown in the home garden?
3. Name the fruit which has around 200 seeds on its surface.
4. Name the fruit which has more than 7500 different varieties.
5. Name the country which is the largest producer of apples.
6. Name three fruits which are considered as a good source of Vitamin C

Challenge # 34

Challenge # 33

Challenge # 32

Challenge # 31

Challenge # 30

Challenge # 29

Challenge # 28

Q 1: Name the car model with highest sales in 2020?
Q 2: Name the car model with lowest sales in 2020?
Q 3: Name the car with highest mileage?
Q 4: Name the car with lowest mileage?
Q 5: What are the total sales of Honda city car in 2020?

If you get the answers then do comment in the comment section. Let's see if you are able to crack 100% in this quiz.

Challenge # 27

Q 1- Who has got the highest marks in English?
Q 2- Who has got the lowest marks in Arts?
Q 3-Who has got the second highest marks in Maths?
Q 4- Which students have got equal marks in Hindi and Arts?
Q 5- Who has got the third highest marks in EVS?

Challenge # 26

Challenge # 25

Challenge # 24

Challenge # 23

Challenge # 22

Challenge # 21

Challenge # 20

Challenge # 19

Challenge # 18

Challenge # 17

Challenge # 16

Challenge # 15

Challenge # 14

Challenge # 13

Challenge # 12

Challenge # 11

Challenge # 10

Fun Quiz on North India for Grade 3 

Challenge # 9

IT QUIZ for Grade 3 

Challenge # 8

Challenge # 7

Grade 3 student taking a quiz

Challenge # 6

Fun quiz for Grade 3 students

Challenge # 5

Grade 3 quiz with multiple choice questions

Challenge # 4

Colorful quiz for Grade 3

Challenge # 3

Testing knowledge in Grade 3

Grade 3 quiz with pictures

Challenge # 2

Challenge # 1

More to come....Stay tuned...
